A new gentle and subtle treatment to bring luminosity and glow back to your skin!
At Somerset Cosmetic Clinic we are always on the look out for new treatments that meet the needs of our patients; and have found a gentle new treatment from Juvederm called VOLITE which does just that!
VOLITE is not a traditional dermal filler but a skin conditioning Hyaluronic Acid (HA) gel with a difference. It doesn’t just volumise the area injected, it addresses skin quality. We all know that a luminous, healthy glow to the skin is anti-ageing, and this treatment delivers that look for up to 9 months; longer than any other product of its kind.
The product offers smooth skin (absence of fine lines), hydration and elasticity. And, perhaps one of the most attractive and appealing characteristics of this treatment is the subtlety it offers; it addresses the micro profile, so whilst there is change, it is far from dramatic!
When we treat patients we find it is often about confidence, what they see on the outside effects how they feel on the inside, small changes can have a great impact here.
For those of you thinking of using dermal fillers for the first time this is a great introduction, the changes are subtle and look healthy and natural.