This year has been like no other and I wanted to share a few thoughts and observations with you, my patients.
Botox Treatments
Glabellar AKA 11’s
Smile lines
With age the brow drops Botox can lift
All these areas are visible above the mask and can be easily treated.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers can soften and PREVENT progression,
Our ‘At Home’ Range
We have a fantastic selection of Obagi products that I have decided to stock to help you with maintaining and nourishing your skin during this time. Delivered straight to your door means that you don’t even have to leave your home to pick them up.
Some of the products are prescription only as they are stronger than you can buy over the counter in order to do the job well! Please do contact me to go through your options.
Products such as Elastiderm Eye cream have a proven track record of success with:
- 97% of patients considered the roughness/crepey texture of the skin around their eyes to be barely or not noticeable within 8 weeks.
So I hope we can see just how important the eyes are, now more than ever. With the above treatments we can enhance the appearance of our eyes safely and effectively, making the most of this area of our face when for the most part- it is all you can see!