Have you noticed that as you get older, your face can look sadder and more tired looking – when you are not?
Well we may have an answer for you!
Facial enhancement and revitalisation have moved beyond wrinkle removal to an approach that subtly reshapes and redefines and as Dr Ed always looks for the best training available when new treatments arrive, he has recently had the pleasure of receiving specialist training from the world famous Brazilian Plastic Surgeon, Dr Mauricio De Maio. Dr De Maio has pioneered a non-surgical method of lifting the face using dermal fillers, instead of the knife we have the 8 point lift!
Dr Mauricio De Maio has been using this technique for some time now and is convinced that it is loss of volume, more than movement, which ages a face and that there are 8 key areas, which when combined can give a more youthful alert looking face. Volume deficits are a result of the loss and re positioning of facial fat. This typically happens in the areas illustrated below.
By using dermal fillers (synthetic version of a natural occurring substance in the body), in these key areas the face can be revitalised and the clock rolled back to a more youthful appearance. The video below, filmed by a fellow practitioner, also trained by Dr Mauricio De Maio, demonstrates exactly why and how it works.
Many of our patients already have these treatments administered in individual areas of their face; we are now able to offer the total 8 point face lift for those who wish to refresh the overall look of their face.
Watch the video below to find out if you would likely benefit from this treatment:
If you would like to talk to Dr Ed about this procedure, please call for your FREE consultation. Together you can discuss what you need to shed the tired, sadder looking you for a brighter, more youthful summer face!