The days are finally getting warmer, the night drawing out and the sun showing itself on more occasions; Spring is finally here and Summer just around the corner.
With that thought in mind how is your skin looking? Are you at your glowing best? No? Well not many of us are this time of year, having spent so much time in centrally heated houses and offices all Winter.
So, in this month’s blog we are going to look at 5 treatments that are available to help rejuvenate tired Winter skin, ready to help you look your best this Summer.
Number 1 – Botox
Number one on the list of best sellers is always Botox.

This is because it is the mostly widely requested preventative treatment available. Botox used wisely can actually prevent skin from forming deep lines and wrinkles but of course it
can also be used retrospectively. Botox can be used to gradually fight the wrinkled areas because wrinkles are caused by string facial expressions, just by weakening those frowns a little you can make a significant difference without have the famous ‘frozen face’ look! And don’t forget Botox PLUS fillers give you a winning combination to smooth out skin.
Number 2 – Profhilo
Brand new kid on the block Profhilo is looking to be a real game changer this year. This treatment is a slow release treatment working over weeks and lasting for months, to treat and rejuvenate tired skin bring back a degree of elasticity to the skin by generating natural collagen. Read more about this new treatment here.
Number 3 – Dermal Fillers
Dermal Fillers will also be high on the list.

This type of treatment has been available for many years now and the type of treatment and dosage offered has been refined to allow for a more natural look, with gentle replacement of volume rather than chiselled refinements. Our customers tell us that, realistically, they want to look good for their age – not go back to their youth; natural is key to all treatments given at our clinic.
Number 4 – Lips
Lips are in vogue and they are often the first thing to lose volume on your face as you grow older.

This is hardly surprising given the volume of movement they make every day! At Somerset Clinic we always try to go for the subtle look – no trout lips here! Gentle filler in thin lips can lift your smile. As we grow older out top lips continue to grow and we can develop what looks like a turned down mouth – this can make us look miserable when in fact we aren’t. Treatment in this area can change your whole look with minor change in volume, and often people’s reaction to you; a smiley face is always welcome!
Number 5 – Dermapen
The Dermapen stimulates the skin to produce more fibroblasts, collagen and elastin; this is called ‘Collagen Induction Therapy’ and is used as an alternative to facelifts and other surgical interventions with remarkable results.
Dermapen is great for fine lines and wrinkles and for lifting and rejuvenating the skin. Acne sufferers can use it to regrow and repair the skin and help remove some of the scarring over time. To read more about Dermapen and its use please click here.

So is any of these treatments appeal to you to get your face fit for Summer, get in touch for your complimentary consultation. Find out whether they will be suitable for you, or if there is another way to achieve the rejuvenated you!