Cosmetic Treatments

Cosmetic TreatmentsNews
8 point facelift

8 Point Face Lift

Have you noticed that as you get older, your face can look sadder and more tired looking – when you are not? Well we may have an answer for you! Facial enhancement and revitalisation have moved beyond wrinkle removal to an approach that subtly reshapes and redefines and as Dr Ed always looks for the best…
Cosmetic TreatmentsNews
ageing woman

Botox comes of Age – or does it?

Botox is growing up – or is it? The new phrase baby Botox may sound scarily like something that is used on infants, but rest easy, it is just how we use Botox maturing! Subtlety is the rage. Whilst sales continue to soar, the mini/baby Botox treatment is becoming a clear leader over the ‘frozen forehead’ look…
Cosmetic TreatmentsNews

Botox and Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is not unusual, we all do it; some of us do it more than others! So, what can you do if it becomes a real problem for you? Hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing condition according to the Hyperhidrosis Support Group which is explained as ‘excessive sweating’… “Sweating is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. In about 1%…
Cosmetic TreatmentsNews
timeline of ageing

The timeline of ageing

When should you start treatment to prevent ageing? I am often asked when it is right to start treatments to prevent ageing. There are ongoing medical debates about this, which are well documented. In an age where we can influence what we look like and how quickly we age, it is not surprising that young…
Cosmetic TreatmentsNews

For nearly every skin care need, there is an Obagi solution

Obagi is a unique, prescription only, skin care range that tackles many of the problems that patients attending our clinic in Taunton are looking to address. sun damage age prevention skin protection wrinkle reductions skin smoothness acne etc. Skin gets tired looking and it gets damaged by the sun; restoring the radiance your young skin…
Cosmetic TreatmentsNews
The Nefertiti lift for the perfect neckline

The Nefertiti lift for the perfect neckline

Nefertiti was known for her beautiful neck line and the smoothness of her jaw, and it still a symbol of beauty and youthfulness in today’s society, So, what can you do when the jowls appear and the jaw starts to sag? The Nefertiti lift The Nefertiti lift is yet another way of cleverly using Botox to…